


Центр сертификации EAC Таможенного союза ?ООО ТЕСТ СЕРТ 

上海经合工业设备检测有限公司    俄语区域产品认证专家

021-36411223      eac@cu-tr.org   WeChat:18621862553
CU-TR(EAC) - 海关联盟技术法规
来源: | 作者:上海经合 | 发布时间 :2024-08-14 | 652 次浏览: | 分享到:
2002年12月27日,俄罗斯第184-FZ dd.号《联邦技术法规法》引入了 "技术法规 "的定义。该法将技术要求从俄罗斯立法要求中分离出来,并规定了通过满足海关联盟技术法规中对不同种类产品的安全和健康保险的强制性要求来获得强制性认证的方法。白俄罗斯共和国、哈萨克斯坦共和国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、亚美尼亚和俄罗斯联邦于2010年6月开始建立统一的技术法规体系。目前,三国政府机构委托相关部门通过关税同盟委员会的技术法规。同时,该委员会还负责协调三国实施技术规范的工作。在此之前的国家规范/条例将被这些新的关税同盟技术条例所取代。《海关联盟技术条例》规定了哪些产品需要强制性认证以及CU-TR认证的类型。这些认证可以是符合性声明(DoC)或合格证书(CoC)。一旦颁发了 CoC 或 DoC,它们在整个海关联盟(白俄罗斯共和国、哈萨克斯坦共和国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、亚美尼亚和俄罗斯联邦)境内都有效。在向新的EAC认证程序过渡期间,所有其他各国证书的有效期至 2015年3月。在此日期之后,产品必须符合新的EAC认证要求。

CU-TR(EAC) - 海关联盟技术法规


2002年12月27日,俄罗斯第184-FZ dd.号《联邦技术法规法》引入了 "技术法规 "的定义。该法将技术要求从俄罗斯立法要求中分离出来,并规定了通过满足海关联盟技术法规中对不同种类产品的安全和健康保险的强制性要求来获得强制性认证的方法。


这一新CU-TR认证程序被称为 "欧亚合格认证"(EurAsian conformity),并带有EAC标志。目前,关税同盟的时间表中已增加了超过47项优先法规。它们是:

No regulationName of regulationEffective dateAvailable in Tech-shop

TR CU 001/2011On safety of railway rolling stock08/02/2014Download
TR CU 002/2011On safety of high-speed railway transport08/02/2014Download
TR CU 003/2011On safety of railway transport infrastructure08/02/2014Download
TR CU 004/2011On safety of low-voltage equipment02/15/2013DownloadDownload
TR CU 005/2011On safety of packaging07/01/2012DownloadDownload
TR CU 006/2011On safety of fireworks02/15/2012Download
TR CU 007/2011On safety of products intended for children and teenagers07/01/2012Download
TR CU 008/2011On safety of toys07/01/2012Download
TR CU 009/2011On safety of cosmetics and perfumes07/01/2012Download
TR CU 010/2011On safety of machinery and equipment02/15/2013DownloadDownload
TR CU 011/2011On safety of elevators02/15/2013Download
TR CU 012/2011On safety of the equipment for work in explosive environments02/15/2013DownloadDownload
TR CU 013/2011On requirements to automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel, marine, jet fuel and heating oil12/31/2012Download
TR CU 014/2011On safety of motor road10/18/2011Download
TR CU 015/2011On safety of grain12/09/2011Download
TR CU 016/2011On safety of vehicles operating on gaseous fuel02/15/2013Download
TR CU 017/2011On safety of light industry products07/01/2012Download
TR CU 018/2011On safety for wheeled vehicles01/01/2015Download
TR CU 019/2011On safety on safety of personal protective equipment06/01/2012Download
TR CU 020/2011Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means02/15/2013DownloadDownload
TR CU 021/2011On safety of food products07/01/2013Download
TR CU 022/2011Food products in terms of its labeling07/01/2013DownloadDownload
TR CU 023/2011On juice production of vegetables and fruits07/01/2013Download
TR CU 024/2011On the fat-and-oil products07/01/2013Download
TR CU 025/2012On safety of furniture07/01/2014Download
TR CU 026/2012On safety of small crafts02/01/2014Download
TR CU 027/2012On safety of certain types of specialized food products, including foods for dietary treatment and dietarypreventive nutrition07/01/2013Download
TR CU 028/2012On safety of explosives and products based on them07/01/2014Download
TR CU 029/2012Requirements for the safety of food additives, flavorings and technological aids07/01/2013Download
TR CU 030/2012On requirements for lubricants, oils and special fluids07/20/2012Download
TR CU 031/2013On safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and their trailers02/15/2015Download
TR CU 032/2013On safety of equipment and vessels under pressure02/01/2014DownloadDownload
TR CU 033/2013On safety of milk and dairy products01/05/2014Download
TR CU 034/2013On Safety of meat and meat products01/05/2014Download
TR CU 035/2014On Safety of Tobacco Products24/05/2015Download

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