Центр сертификации EAC Таможенного союза ?ООО ТЕСТ СЕРТ
上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 俄语区域产品认证专家
酒类EAC认证-酒俄罗斯认证-俄罗斯葡萄酒EAC认证-Voluntary grape wine certification
俄罗斯葡萄酒EAC认证,Voluntary grape wine certification,The presence of a large amount of low-quality alcohol, including grape wines, on the domestic market, which causes great harm to citizens, is still an urgent problem in our country.【详细】
EAC认证机构-俄罗斯莫斯科认证中心-Certification in Moscow-莫斯科产品GOST认证
Certification is an event whose main objectives are to confirm the assessment of compliance with quality standards and create conditions conducive to the successful functioning of organizations and their participation in various spheres of economic and economic activity. The support of enterprises is especially important in large cities with high competition, in particular, certification in Moscow has an important beneficial effect on the state of the markets and the quality of products consumed by the population. Due to obtaining a certificate in Moscow, citizens are better protected from unscrupulous manufacturers. In addition, through the certification measures in Moscow is carried out stabilization of the environment.【详细】
俄罗斯认证-俄罗斯GOST认证-Russia Certification.Russia -Certificate of conformity
俄罗斯认证,俄罗斯GOST认证,Russia Certification.Russia Certificate of conformity,First of all, certification is permissive documents established at the state level of a single form. In the Russian certification system, due to its wide application in practice, today it has acquired particular relevance.【详细】
俄罗斯认证-GOST认证-俄罗斯认证制度解读-GOST Certification system in Russia
The Russian certification system today is the regulation of the quality of objects in circulation, of imported, exported products, designed to ensure safety in the broadest sense of life and the protection of public health. The global domestic quality assurance mechanism is being systematically improved as part of harmonization with international standards. Along with the rapid development of socio-economic inter-ethnic market relations, it is of particular relevance.【详细】
俄罗斯计量认证-PAC认证-Products Subject to mandatory certification
Products subject to mandatory certification, to obtain a certificate of quality in a mandatory legal order are listed in the RF Decree and are reflected in a single list, which is regulated to strict guidance for all participants in the certification process.【详细】
俄罗斯GOST认证计划,俄罗斯EAC认证方案,Russina Certification Schemes,Схемы Сертификации
The certification procedure in Russia is represented by ten schemes. The order of expert assessment of the conformity of products to safety requirements and the subsequent issuance of certificates is determined depending on the type of product, its method of production, quality and a number of other signs.
摩托车EAC认证-俄罗斯ATV车EAC认证-俄罗斯雪地摩托EAC认证-018/2011 or 010/2011 ATV Certification
The technical regulations governing the safety of wheeled vehicles, as amended by Decision No. 6 of the EEC Council (January 30, 2013), after the deadline after the official publication, will enter into force on the territorial scale of the Customs Union on January 1, 2015. According to Appendix No. 1 of the aforementioned TR CU, under the registration number 018/2011, a list of objects in respect of which the provisions of the regulations apply is defined. Paragraph one of the appendix lists the list of vehicles where ATVs are subject to TS certification. Also in the registry is detailed classification of ATVs into categories, indicating the special characteristics, according to which certification of ATVs should be carried out.【详细】
俄罗斯食品EAC认证-食品EAC认证-糖果EAC认证-TR CU021/2011